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Airplane Chefs - Cooking Game

Airplane Chefs - Cooking Game
Developer: Nordcurrent UAB
os: IOS  Android 
size: 196.7 MB
updated: Apr 12, 2024




Welcome aboard, foodie traveler! Ready to buckle up for a culinary adventure at 35,000 feet? Our whimsical game, "Airplane Chefs - Cooking Game", is here to ensure you never have to settle for drab airplane food again.
Picture this, you're soaring through the clouds, not a worry in the world - except for your rumbling stomach. You look around and kaboom, you're the in-flight chef! Sounds surreal, right? But in this game, the sky is not the limit; it is just the beginning!
In the ever-changing landscape of our aircraft kitchen, you're the master chef with a mission. A mission to whip up mouth-watering dishes that would make your mama proud and fellow passengers swoon. And don't worry, no pre-flight safety demonstrations required here. We just need your culinary skills and taste buds ready for action!
From delectable sushi to sizzling steaks, your menu is as diverse as the passengers on your flight. You'll be juggling recipes faster than a flight attendant demonstrating the safety procedures. But remember, in this game, there's no option for airplane mode. You are always on!
Are you wondering, "What if I burn the pasta?" Fear not! This is a judgement-free altitude. No food critics aboard, just happy passengers eager for a tasty in-flight meal. And remember, our airplane kitchen is equipped with the best anti-gravity cooking tools. Burning food? Never heard of it.
Ready to take off on this flavor-filled journey? Feel the turbulence in your tummy subside as you dive into this fun-filled game where you are the ultimate sky-high chef. "Airplane Chefs - Cooking Game" is not just a game – it's a journey, a challenge, a high-flying culinary extravaganza. So, put on your chef's hat, fasten your seatbelt, and let's get cooking!



How To Play

Welcome, chef of the skies! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, involves a whirlwind of culinary chaos at cruising altitude in "Airplane Chefs - Cooking Game". Now, we know what you're thinking: "Who knew an airplane galley could be so much fun?" Well, fasten your seatbelt, you're in for a wild ride!
First things first, you've got to get your in-flight kitchen in order. Yes, it's as tiny as a broom closet, and it rattles like a roller coaster, but hey, who said cooking up a storm at 35,000 feet was easy? As you navigate the compact kitchen, you'll soon become a pro at working in confined spaces. Who needs spacious restaurant kitchens when you can cook with a view of the clouds?
Your menu? As diverse as the flight path. From the spicy tang of a Mexican burrito to the delicate flavors of a French soufflé, your culinary skills will be tested across cuisines. Just remember, the steak needs to be medium-rare, not shoe-leather tough, and the pasta must be al dente, not mush!
Customers are as varied as your menu. You'll serve impatient businessmen, excited vacationers, and maybe even a celebrity or two. And remember, no one likes a grumpy chef, so keep that smile bright, even if the turbulence is making your soufflé wobble.
Oh, and did we mention the time limit? That's right; you're not just battling gravity and fussy eaters but also the clock. Each level is a race against time, with faster prep and cooking times needed to progress. But don't worry, the thrill of the time crunch is all part of the fun!
So, step into your high-flying kitchen and get ready to transform airplane food from blah to brilliant in "Airplane Chefs - Cooking Game". It's not just a game; it's a culinary adventure that will take your taste buds to new heights. Bon appétit, chef!

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