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8 Ball Pool

8 Ball Pool
os: IOS  Android 
size: 151.41 MB
updated: Mar 14, 2023


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If you are looking for a fun and engaging game to play on your mobile device, 8 Ball Pool is a great option. Developed by Miniclip, this game is based on the classic game of billiards and can be played on both iOS and Android devices.
When you first open the game, you will be prompted to create an account or sign in with your Facebook or Miniclip account. Once you have done so, you will be taken to the main menu where you can choose to play against other players online or practice against the computer.
To start playing against other players, you will need to enter a game room. There are several different game rooms available, each with different entry fees and prize amounts. The higher the entry fee, the higher the potential prize, so choose your room wisely.
Once you have entered a room, you will be matched up with another player and the game will begin. The objective of 8 Ball Pool is to sink all of your balls (either stripes or solids) and then sink the 8 ball to win the game. If you sink the 8 ball before all of your other balls, you will lose the game.
To shoot the cue ball, simply drag your finger across the screen in the direction you want to shoot. The longer you drag your finger, the more power your shot will have. You can also adjust the angle of your shot by moving your finger left or right before releasing.
As you win games and earn coins, you can use those coins to purchase new cues and enter higher-stakes game rooms. You can also earn rewards by completing daily challenges and leveling up your account.
Overall, 8 Ball Pool is a fun and addictive game that offers hours of entertainment. Whether you are a billiards expert or just looking for a casual game to play on your phone, you are sure to enjoy this popular mobile game. So why not give it a try and see if you have what it takes to become a pool champion?



How To Play

If you're new to the game of 8 Ball Pool, don't worry - it's easy to learn! Here's a step-by-step guide on how to play the game:
Set up the game: First, you'll need to set up the balls on the table. The 8 ball should be in the center of the table, with a solid-colored ball and a striped ball on each side.
Determine who goes first: Flip a coin or use some other method to determine who will take the first shot.
Begin the game: The first player will take the cue ball and try to hit one of their balls into a pocket. If they succeed, they get to keep shooting. If they miss, the other player gets a turn.
Keep shooting: Players continue to take turns, trying to sink their own balls (either solids or stripes) into the pockets.
Sink the 8 ball: Once all of a player's own balls have been sunk, they can try to sink the 8 ball to win the game. However, if a player sinks the 8 ball before all of their other balls are sunk, they lose the game.
Call your shots: If you want to be a bit more strategic, you can call your shots ahead of time. This means you declare which ball you are going to sink before you take your shot. If you successfully sink that ball, you get to keep shooting.
Avoid fouls: There are a few things that can result in a foul in 8 Ball Pool. For example, if you accidentally sink one of your opponent's balls, it's a foul. If you scratch (hit the cue ball into a pocket), it's also a foul. If you commit a foul, your opponent gets to place the cue ball anywhere on the table and take a shot.
Win the game: The first player to sink all of their own balls and the 8 ball wins the game!
Overall, 8 Ball Pool is a straightforward game that is easy to understand but difficult to master. With a bit of practice, you'll be sinking balls like a pro in no time. So grab a cue and get ready to have some fun!

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